Article: Florence Aunty – Joy of Giving

Florence Aunty – Joy of Giving
The gift of time is often most valuable, something that has manifested strongly over the past year. While we don’t all have the same amount of money, we do have the same amount of time on our hands, and when we use that to help others then the joy of giving is more satisfying than the gift of money.
We all remember the beginning of the pandemic, when a gorgeous March springing into April was startled by the onset of winter. The grief the pandemic brought was paramount, but it left behind a trail of gratitude. Gratitude for the nitty gritty things in life we take for granted. Sandalwali hatched just before the pandemic after an incubation period of many months. We were all set to walk, run, dance and play with you as we took our first steps into the world. But things didn’t exactly turn out the way we wanted them.
Today, we look back and realize that Sandalwali was not alone. Our craftsmen whom we paid full wages right through the lockdown returned to us in full swing bringing our ideas to life after a 5 month hiatus. Rape victims where we donate 2% of sale proceedings helped us with moral support and the joy we received from giving made everything beautiful.
This festive season, Sandalwali’s handmade sandals decided to ignite laughter amongst women, men and children with fun loving tash party chappals ideal for rummy nights and runny ones too. We bring to you gifts of intricately crafted ultra comfortable handmade footwear embroidered with threads of love, gratitude and gifts for Diwali that encapsulate the feelings, experiences and expertise of many. Shopping your online gifts for diwali from Sandalwali’s range of flats, heels and mini’s will help us support more rape victims and craftsmen in India while you get to flaunt our mini masterpieces. We also have gift cards available for your loved ones to pick the styles of their choice. Happy Festivities!